News & Media

📢 PhD opportunities in Physics at Ferrara University 

MAY 2024

See the complete call (CLOSED CALL - deadline 10 JUNE 2024)

Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss a possible research project for your PhD in medical Physics at Ferrara University


MARCH 2024

🎓🎓🎓 Congratulations to Matteo, Jacopo and Vittoria for their recent Master's degrees in Physics with flying colors at Ferrara University!

 📖  Their thesis works spanned from applying A.I. for breast cancer detection to developing new detectors for spectral X-ray imaging and studying noise-reduction algorithms for clinical subtraction angiography systems. 

🗃️ Have a look at the complete list of the thesis works by our  graduate students in the field of medical Physics!

Visit to the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste for the Physics students of Ferrara University


"Scientific Culture Week" in Agrigento (Italy)


Prof. Taibi was among the guests of honor at the celebration for the "Scientific Culture Week", held at Liceo Scientifico, Linguistico e Sportivo“Leonardo” in Agrigento, Italy.

Here is the news report including the guests interviews for the local television (in Italian):

Medical Physics Seminar


Wednesday 20th of December, 15:45 - room C412, Physics and Earth Science Department 

Speaker: Dr. Francesco Romano (INFN - Catania, Italy  and Particle Therapy Research Center, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Christmas Lectures on Medical Physics

Wednesday 6th of December we had the pleasure to host two interesting lectures on Medical imaging by our guests Dr.  Antonio Sarno (Università and INFN Napoli) and Prof. Alberto Del Guerra (University and INFN Pisa).

The abstract of the two seminars can be found at the following link:

and here is an interesting article by Prof. Del Guerra regarding the history of Medical Physics (in Italian).

A nice picture of (most of) the participants 😃:

Medipix Collaboration Meeting in Ferrara

JUNE 2022

The international Medipix Collaboration gathered in Ferrara for one of its periodic meetings on 23-24 June 2022.

The goal of the Collaboration is the development of integrated circuits suitable for the realization of hybrid pixel detectors for the measurement of particles and radiation with photon-counting and spectroscopic capabilities. The Medical Physics group of Ferrara is involved in the study of possible applications in the medical field, in particular of X-ray imaging, and for the characterization of materials.

Medical Physics research at EXPO2020

The speech at Expo Dubai by Professor Angelo Taibi, concerns the collaboration between the Medical Physics group and the Vascular Disease Center. The project, funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), made it possible to develop a portable and non-invasive plethysmographic device to study the cerebral venous return in conditions of microgravity.

EFOMP-EUTEMPE Webinar and Masterclass

Webinar and masterclass video recordings will be permanently accessible via EFOMP's elearning platform

Sonographic Precision Contest @v-WINter2022  

Sonographic contest supervision, at the 10th International Interuniversity Meeting in Phlebology, Lymphology and Aesthetics, organized by the v-WIN Foundation, February 3-5, 2022 in Dubai, UAE