

ICS is a custom application developed to show a novel algorithm implemented to generate in Geant4 primary photons through the inverse Compton scattering (ICS) process. The code can be found here. Also, an example that shows how to generate and track ICS photons in a typical setup of medical interest is available here



mammo is a custom application developed to simulate mammographic projections of both geometric and voxel personalized phantoms in various geometric and source configurations. Digital Mammography, Digital Breast Tomosynthesis, Breast Computed Tomography, as well as Contrast Enanched Dual-Energy Mammography diagnostic modalities can be simulated with this tool. Also, the application includes the classes to generate primary photons through ICS, thus the potential of this kind of source in breast imaging could be assessed. The code can be found here.



SAXS is a custom application developed to investigate the introduction of Molecular Interference effects in coherent interactions of photons with matter. The application has been included among the  the official extended examples of Geant4 (from 10.7 version). In addition, the application source code, as well as the form factors of various materials of medical interest, can be found here



Imager is a custom application developed to optimize  the design of a device for the measurement of the spatial distribution of gamma and X-ray photon beams. An imager device is mainly composed of a scintillator coupled to a CCD camera through an optics. The code practically shows how set up the tracking of optical photons in Geant4. Furthermore, the optical properties of various materials are defined in the  DetectorConstruction class. Therefore, the application can be used to carry out a start-to-end simulation from the decays of a radioactive source to the signal in the CCD due to the optical photons generated in the scintillator.  The code can be found here.