Job opportunities

Post doc position -

closed call

X-ray spectral and phase-contrast microtomographic imaging on biomedical samples based on a compact laboratory system

The project is based on a new compact micro-computed tomography system leveraging two enabling technologies: a chromatic X-ray detector and the edge-illumination phase-contrast. Each of the two provides substantial advantages compared to conventional X-ray imaging, namely the generation of material-specific maps and the signal extraction from low-contrast or micro-structured features.

The research activities will be aimed at developing innovative imaging protocols to acquire X-ray spectral and phase-contrast 3D images on the µm scale of biological samples on the cm scale. In particular, the successful candidate will work in the field of spectral imaging techniques implementation and innovative photon-counting detectors testing, characterization and optimization. The activities will be carried out in collaboration with the University of Trieste, as well as national (e.g., INFN, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli - IRCSS, Elettra Synchrotron) and international (e.g., UCL - London) institutions in a multidisciplinary context.

The applicant should possess a strong background in the field of X-ray imaging and/or radiation detectors. Specific experience in spectral and phase-contrast imaging techniques will be positively evaluated, as well as programming skills in MATLAB or Python.


Online application DEADLINE:  30 April 2024 - h 23:59:59  - CALL CLOSED

Start: Early summer 2024. 

Application info and link (English version at the end  of the file 2633.PDF)

Please contact Paolo Cardarelli for further information.

Post doc position - closed call 

Non-circular trajectory and collimated beam towards quantitative Cone-beam Computed Tomography - Q-CT

The project investigates and develops an innovative technical solution for an innovative Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scanner aimed at overcoming the limitations of conventional CBCT scanners related to cone-artifacts and scatter abundance. The project will be carried out in collaboration with Università “Federico II” di Napoli (Naples, Italy) and Italian clinics in a multidisciplinary context. A prototype will be realized and tested.

The foreseen activities will be regarding the technological implementation and performance characterization of the system, as well as the development of the reconstruction algorithms, simulation of performance, and image elaborations.

The applicant should possess a strong background in the field of X-ray imaging, at least 24 months of research experience (or a PhD title) are required for the application. Any previous experience with cone-beam CT systems, CT reconstruction algorithms, programming skills, and/or radiation transport simulations (e.g. Geant4) will be positively evaluated.


Online application DEADLINE:  07 April 2024 - h 23:59:59  - CALL CLOSED

Start: late spring 2024 (May/June - negotiable)

Application info and link (English version at the end of “Bando: 26501.PDF” file)

Please contact Paolo Cardarelli for further information.

Other positions available

We may have other positions available in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in working with our team!